Unfortunately, we have not had internet or phone since Irma, we are trying to do everything through a “hot spot” to the computer. Comcast is of no help at all even though I have a business account. Might be time to look around.
As of September 21, 2017, we have had our third check of all units post Irma. At this point, wee have set all HVAC controls the home position and thermostats to 78 degrees. We also have found that many of the smoke detectors are beeping due to the prolonged power outage.
The next step is the filled refrigerator/freezers. When you arrive for the season, please be sure to discard any food that's stored. Since 2004 we have recommended that when you leave to go back up north for the (hurricane) season, that you empty your refrigerators/freezers, clean, unplug and leave the doors open.