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Paul Meleshkewich

Post Irma Update 10/7/17


As of 8:00am on 10/7/17 we want to remind you that any detached garage or storage area closet is highly vulnerable to mold and mildew growth. These areas, because of high humidity and possible water intrusion from wind driven rain can be very receptive to mildew or mold growth. When you arrive you will need to properly clean all items ,all contaminated areas (walls/ceilings and floors) before removing any items into your or home storing items in the garage/storage area.

Another area for concern is the lanai. Most lanai have the indication that at some point standing water was present and they must be cleaned, along with the weep holes, before putting out the lanai furniture. If you have had a lanai enclosure installed we suggest you check with your contractor to assure you have proper water drainage aka weep holes and they are present. As always when departing for an extended period of time, we encourage our clients to remove all items from the lanai, including the lanai enclosure panels. Do not wait until you think there might be a storm coming.

A big thank you to all those who emptied, cleaned, left the doors open and unplugged their refrigerators when they departed for the summer. For those of you who did not turn off the refrigerator we highly suggest that you empty and discard all items including the first batch of ice, do a thorough clean with a anti mold product and since we were on a boil water notice you might want to run the water dispenser (2 gallons) and replace your refrigerator water and ice filters. If you have never done this now might be a good time to do it.

If you have purchased a dehumidifier to use during the summer months we also want to remind you to use it when you are in residence. Clean the filter, yes they have a filter! Do not put them in the box and store them, use them! You will help keep the humidity out of your home and also assure that the dehumidifier unit is clean and working properly. This is a great produce for use in south west Florida.

We also suggest discontinuing the use of the little boxes on the wall called humidistats. Ask your HVAC contractor for his professional advice on how to leave the HVAC controls for the summer and if he still recommend them. When departing for the 2018 season make sure you leave detailed HVAC control instructions in the unit.

Our number one issue in 2017 was clogged condensation lines. See our past blog post What is a Condensation Line?

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